Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yesterday, a friend asked me how I was, and I replied with, "I'm tired...I can't wait until next year when I won't be in school."  I was expecting sympathy, but instead, I got - "I never want to hear you say that again. You can't live in hopes of the future. This is your life. Today is your life. Yes, life is hard, and it sucks, but its up to you to thrive. If you don't like something, change it. Today is your life. not next year. NOW."

Which is exactly what I needed to hear in that very moment.

At my yoga studio, the instructors are constantly encouraging us to do our best possible.  Because if we are doing our best possible there is no room for disappointment or regret.

And so now I'm settling for nothing less than my best possible.  I'm going to thrive in this life. Today.

It's a bit thrilling...I don't know what Best Possible looks like for me, but I'm excited to find out.

It makes me smile that this post is entitled "Today" and the first word is 'Yesterday"


  1. Love that attitude. Sometimes I fall into the "it will get better when..." mentality, but what you friend said is true. In Hebrews it says, "And God gives us a gift, called Today." Let's remember to not let that gift go to waste!
