Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm Back! AND Happy New Year!

Now that finals and Holiday Madness are over, I am back!  I ended up not doing a whole lot for the Thrift store blog, mainly because I am not there enough to write about the great things that are going on, but I was able to find some writers to cover some things that they are a part of.  I will still be involved, but it won't take up as much time as I previously thought!

Now, on to the fun stuff

I have never made a New Years Resolution, but I'm thinking this is my year.  And how ambitious am I with 3!

#1 - Live Positively...What I mean by this is eliminating negative comments, Realizing I don't have to react to unwanted situations, but respond to them, and respond in a positive way...

#2 - Live in Love....Every interaction I should have with anyone should be one of compassion and respect...I vow to use "Please" and "Thank you"often

#3 - Say Yes....I tend to stick to what's familiar and in this next year, I want to expand my comfort zone.

By Francesca Ramos.  For your own print to hang on the wall go here